From China to Irvine: Beautiful pictures from the Li family photoshoot

I had a great time photographing the Li family! They are a family of five who recently moved to Irvine from China. Arleen wanted photos that showcased the love and connection between her, her husband, and their kids. However, the highlight of the photoshoot turned out to be the grandparents! Grandma and Grandpa Li brought so much joy and laughter to the session, making every moment with the kids truly special.

The beautiful Jeffrey Open Space Trail in Irvine provided the perfect backdrop for their family portraits. Two hours flew by super fast, and I ended up with over 700 images on my SD card. After careful selection, I delivered a final gallery of over 90 photographs. Needless to say, Arleen was thrilled with the results!

Family portrait of a Chinese family taken in Grove Square Park, Irvine, Ca.
Portrait of a Chinese grandmother taken by Irvine family photographer,  Venya Manzyuk.
Portrait of a Chinese grandpa taken during their family photoshoot in Irvine, Ca.
Portrait of a Chinese boy taken in Irvine by Orange County family photographer, Venya Manzyuk.
An outdoor portrait of Chinese grandparents.
A Chinese boy decided to pose for the camera during their family photo session.
Three Chinese kids hysterically laughing at their family photoshoot in Orange County.
Funny photograph of three Chinese kids messing around with each other.
A candid moment between a grandma and her grandkids captured by Irvine family photographer, Venya Manzyuk.